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Dec. 19, 2023

Environmental Toxins: Are Your Personal and Household Products Making You Sick?

Environmental Toxins: Are Your Personal and Household Products Making You Sick?
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Health, Wealth & The Ultimate Self

In the world we live in today it feels like we are being bombarded by more and more chemicals in our food, cosmetics and various household items. As if eating healthy is not hard enough already, now add the challenge of reviewing the chemical impact of the items you use as you get ready each day or as you cook and clean your home. The goal of this episode is to not overwhelm but provide some starter level education on the potential chemical burden of some of your common daily products and allow you to slowly take charge and control over your chemical environment.

80,000 chemicals have been produced and are circulating on this earth yet only 20,000 have been tested by various agencies. Of those, many have been allowed to be found years later posing significant health risks.

Autoimmune and cancer rates have been increasing at an alarming rate over the past few decades and we have to consider all potential causes and the chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis need to be considered as a contributing factor.

If you are looking for starting points to clean up your routine, EWG Health Living has an app that can be used to scan the bar codes of various products. Although not perfect, this app helps identify some of the worst offenders you may be using and it is free to use.

We hope you enjoy our episode on environmental toxins, their potential impact on our health and starting steps to make meaningful changes.

Yours in health,

Health, Wealth and the UltimateSelf Team!